In FEMdesigner, material properties are specified in simple text files, following an easy-to-understand format. In this template, for the units specified [in brackets] on line 1, the corresponding material property units required are listed [in brackets] following the material property variable. Text following a semicolon (;) is comment text, except for line 1, where it will be used as the material label when assigned to a FEMdesigner part. E2, G2, Phi, and CTE2 are used to specify orthotropic material properties. Please see diagram provided in Help for graphical description of orthotropic material properties orientation. Material file layout template: [m, mm, in];Material ID (ID required - will be displayed in FEMdesigner) E [Pa, MPa, psi] ;Young's modulus for isotropic materials, for ;direction 1 in orthotropic materials Nu [no units] ;Poisson's ratio CTE [1/°C, 1/°C, 1/°F] ;Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Rho [kg/m^3, kg/mm^3, lbf/in^3] ;Density T [m, mm, in] ;Plate thickness E2 [Pa, MPa, psi] ;Young's modulus in direction 2 for orthotropic G2 [Pa, MPa, psi] ;Shear modulus in direction 2 for orthotropic Phi [degrees] ;angle between direction 1 and global x-axis CTE2 [ 1/°C, 1/°C, 1/°F] ;CTE in direction 2 Y [Pa, MPa, psi] ;Yield Stress, tension UTS [Pa, MPa, psi] ;Ultimate Tensile Strength L [cycles] ;Endurance limit C [Pa, MPa, psi] ;Yield stress, compression Example - 7075 Aluminum alloy with a T6 temper: in ;AL 7075-T6 10400000 ;Young's Modulus (psi) 0.33 ;Poisson's Ratio 0.000013 ;Coefficient of Thermal expansion (in/in°F) 0.102 ;Density (lb/in3) 0 ;Plate thickness (inches) 0 ;E2 (Young's modulus in direction 2, psi) 0 ;G2 (shear modulus in direction 2, psi) 0 ;Phi (angle between direction 1 and global x-axis, degrees) 0 ;CTE2 (CTE in direction 2, in/in°F) 73000 ;Yield Stress (psi, tension) 83000 ;Ultimate Tensile Strength (psi) 0 ;L (endurance limit, cycles) 0 ;Yield stress (psi, compression)